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Sunday, July 8, 2007

Racial Harmony

I have to admit that my brain is partially dead as I struggle to type this article. I'm trying, I really am, but it seems that whenever I am faced with the horrid task of discussing issues political in nature, my brain just shuts now. Must be some flaw in my biological make up…hah allergic to political issues, now that would be a first. Ok, ok, patience, patience, I’m getting to it.

It is of course blatantly obvious to most now, that freedom of speech in Singapore is almost in non-existence. Should you require some evidence to back that statement, take our government’s banning of the Civil Society group from entering our country during the IMF meetings as one instance. But before we go on to criticize how such a stand is detrimental to our progressing society let us take some time to consider why. Why does our government choose to impose such heavy restrictions on her people’s freedom of speech? First of all it is crucial to know that freedom of speech means that should one go around sprouting racially bias statement, the government has no right to detain him.
With this piece of information at hand let us consider the racial make up of Singapore. Do not forget that in Singapore no one race is in minority, every single race have an equally large make up, therefore should a racist statement be made this would probably led to the inflammation of severe racial tensions.

Therefore if I am made to decide which approach (Singer or Szilagyi) Singapore should adopt, it would definitely have to be Szilagyi. For the media or any source of information for that matter, in their mission to provide accurate and detailed information to the masses, needs to show due respect for every individual. Only then can a peaceful racial climate in Singapore be achieved.

However, as in all political topics (that’s what I hate about them!!), Szilagyi approach is not without its shortcoming. With the absence of freedom of speech and the media being so restrained on the information it is allowed to publish, Singaporeans might all become devoid of their personal opinions and have no stand of their own. This would also be detrimental to the future of Singapore. An excellent example would be the likes of popular column write of Today, Mr. Brown who was fired from his job due to an article entitled “Singaporeans are fed up with progress”. Therefore in situations such as these, the government should adopt Singer’s approach and instead of firing Brown from his job, should have justified their actions like a proper gentleman! 

So I suppose it is rather obvious now the direction I am going, if forced to choose one approach, it be Szilagyi because Singapore cannot afford to deal with the negative aspects of Singer’s approach. However for the better political climate of Singapore, a balance of both approached should be adopted. There! I’m done!!!

2:00 AM